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In the Garden. お庭で (Magic Keyのお話)
子どもたちがお庭で遊んでいるときに、Magic Keyが光り出したよ!こどもたちはどんどん小さくなっていき、お庭での冒険が始まった!

What did Kipper pick up in Chip’s room?

Kipper picked up the magic key in Chip’s room.

What happened when Kipper picked up the key?

The key began to glow when Kipper picked it up.

- Question: Where did Kipper run to after picking up the magic key?
- Answer: Kipper ran outside to look for Biff and Chip after picking up the magic key.
- Question: Why did Biff yell at everyone to run inside?
- Answer: Biff yelled at everyone to run inside because the key was glowing.
- Question: What happened to the children when the magic began to work? Answer: The children got smaller and smaller when the magic began to work.
- Question: What did Chip see in the grass that he didn’t like?
- Answer: Chip saw a bumble-bee in the grass, and he didn’t like it.
- Question: What did the children find when they came out of the jungle? Answer: The children found a mountain when they came out of the jungle.
- Question: Why did Chip want to climb the mountain?
- Answer: Chip wanted to climb the mountain because he wanted to get to the top.
- Question: What did Wilma suggest they do with the toy car?
- Answer: Wilma suggested they get inside the toy car and ride down to the desert.
- Question: Who chased the cat away when they were inside the bottle? Answer: Floppy chased the cat away when they were inside the bottle.
Kipper and the Giant. キッパーと巨人 (Magic Keyのお話)

What was Kipper watching on television?

Kipper was watching a program called “The Angry Giant” on television.

Where did the angry giant live?

The angry giant lived in a castle near a village.

- Question:How did the villagers feel about the giant?
- Answer: The villagers didn’t like the giant because he was always cross.
- Question: What happened when Kipper picked up the magic key?
- Answer: The magic key began to glow when Kipper picked it up.
- Question: Where did the magic take Kipper?
- Answer: The magic took Kipper to the gate of the giant’s castle.
- Question: Why did Kipper go to the village instead of the giant’s castle? Answer: Kipper went to the village because he didn’t want to meet the giant.
- Question: How did the villagers react when they saw Kipper in the village? Answer: The villagers yelled at Kipper and threw things at him because they thought he was another giant.
- Question: Why did Kipper begin to cry?
- Answer: Kipper began to cry because he was upset that everyone thought he was a giant when he was just a little boy.
- Question: How did Kipper help the villagers?
- Answer: Kipper helped the villagers by mending their houses and putting back the broken roofs.
- Question: What did the giant do when he saw Kipper in the village?
- Answer: The giant became very angry and ran towards the village, but he fell over a stone and hurt himself.
The Outing. 遠足

What did the children do when the bus came to the school?

The children climbed into the bus.

What did Wilf say he liked?

Wilf said he liked going out.

- Question: What did Mrs May say to the children when they shouted?
- Answer: Mrs May told the children not to shout.
- Question: Who sat together on the bus?
- Answer: Biff sat with Chip, and Wilf sat with Nadim.
- Question: What happened when Wilf kicked a stone?
- Answer: Wilf’s shoe came off and landed in the water.
- Question: What did Mrs May say when Wilf told her about his shoe?
- Answer: Mrs May said it was a silly thing to do and didn’t know what they could do about it.
- Question: What happened when they got to the zoo?
- Answer: It began to rain.
- Question: What did Nadim want to see at the zoo?
- Answer: Nadim wanted to see the elephants.
- Question: What did the children do when it rained too much at the zoo? Answer: They climbed back on the bus.
- Question: Where did they go after leaving the zoo?
- Answer: They went to a museum.
- Question: What did Nadim get from the museum shop?
- Answer: Nadim got a model to make.
- Question: What did the children ask Mrs May about doing tomorrow?
- Answer: They asked if they could draw dinosaurs tomorrow.
- Question: Where did Nadim and Wilf go after saying goodbye to Mrs May? Answer: They went home with Biff and Chip.
Land of the Dinosaurs. 恐竜の国 (Magic Keyのお話)
前回の絵本、The Outingの続きになります。Magic Keyで、恐竜の国に冒険に行った子どもたち。どんな体験や、どんな恐竜が待ち受けているのでしょうか?たくさんの写真を撮ったBiffですが、その写真はどうなりましたか?

Where did the magic take the children?

The magic took the children to the land of the dinosaurs.

What did Nadim find in the land of the dinosaurs?

Nadim found some big eggs, which he thought were dinosaur eggs.

- Question: What happened when one of the eggs began to crack?
- Answer: Something came out of the egg, and it was a little dinosaur.
- Question: What did Biff do when she saw the flying dinosaur?
- Answer: Biff picked up a stick and ran out while yelling for it to go away.
- Question: What did Wilf climb on thinking it was a hill?
- Answer: Wilf climbed on a dinosaur, which was enormous.
- Question: What did Chip say about the apatosaurus?
- Answer: Chip said it was an apatosaurus, similar to the one in the museum, and it wouldn’t hurt them.
- Question: What happened when the apatosaurus ran into the water?
- Answer: It created an enormous splash, and Nadim looked frightened, calling for help.
- Question: Why did Chip yell for everyone to run away?
- Answer: Another fierce-looking dinosaur was approaching, and Chip thought it might eat them.
- Question: Where did the magic take the children after they ran away from the dinosaurs?
- Answer: The magic took them back to Biff’s bedroom.
- Question: What did Biff realize when she wanted to show her parents the dinosaur photographs?
- Answer: Biff realized that she didn’t put a film in the camera, so there were no photographs.
Robin Hood. ロビンフット (Magic Keyのお話)
子どもたちは、ロビンフットのお芝居を見に行った後、Magic Keyによってロビンフットの世界に冒険に出かけます。ロビンフットや、みんなは、兵士に捕まってしまいますが、隠れていたKipperの知恵によって、助かります。Kipperはどんな風にみんなを助けたのでしょうか?

Who went to the pantomime together?

Biff, Wilma, Wilma’s mum, and their friend Anneena went to the pantomime together.

What was the pantomime about?

The pantomime was about Robin Hood, who was a good man living in the woods with his men.

- Question: Who was the bad character in the pantomime?
- Answer: The bad character was the Sheriff, who wanted to catch Robin Hood and lock him up.
- Question: What did Wilma and Anneena do the next day when they visited Biff?
- Answer: They sang a song about Robin Hood, with Wilma playing the guitar and Anneena playing the recorder.
- Question: How did Kipper react to the song about Robin Hood?
- Answer: Kipper didn’t like the song. He covered his ears and made a face.
- Question: What did Biff tell Kipper to do with the key?
- Answer: Biff told Kipper to put the key back in the box.
- Question: What happened when the magic key began to glow?
- Answer: It was time for an adventure, and the magic took the children to the wood where Robin Hood lived.
- Question: Who did the Sheriff’s men capture?
- Answer: The Sheriff’s men captured Robin Hood and the children, including Biff, Wilma, and Anneena.
- Question: How did Kipper trick the guard?
- Answer: Kipper gave the guard a sweet, then locked him in a big black pot and took away his keys.
- Question: Where did the children and Robin Hood go after Kipper freed them? Answer: They went to a new part of the woods and sang the song about Robin Hood again.
- Question: How did the story end?
- Answer: The magic key glowed again, signaling it was time to leave. The children said goodbye to Robin Hood, and the adventure ended.
The Treasure Chest. 宝箱 (Magic Keyのお話)

What did Mrs. May do every week with some of the children?

Mrs. May took some of the children to the swimming pool every week.

How did the children feel about swimming with Mrs. May?

The children were good swimmers and they liked going swimming with Mrs. May.

1.Q: Where did the magic take the children in the story?
A: The magic took the children underwater.
2.Q: What did the children wear to swim underwater?
A: The children wore masks, flippers, and tanks of air to swim underwater.
3.Q: What did Chip think about swimming underwater?
A: Chip thought swimming underwater was better than the pool.
4.Q: How did Wilma feel when swimming underwater?
A: Wilma felt like a fish when swimming underwater.
5.Q: What did the children see when swimming underwater?
A: The children saw many fish of different colors when swimming underwater.
6.Q: What did Chip and Nadim do at the bottom of the water?
A: Chip and Nadim swam to the bottom and picked up a big shell.
7.Q: What did the children see under the water besides the fish?
A: The children saw an old ship and an octopus under the water.
8.Q: Why didn’t Wilma want to swim too close to the ship?
A: Wilma didn’t want to swim too close to the ship because it looked dangerous.
9.Q: What did the children do to make the octopus swim away?
A: The children blew bubbles at the octopus to make it swim away.
10.Q: What did the children find inside the chest underwater?
A: Inside the chest underwater, the children found a treasure chest full of gold.
11.Q: How did Biff and Nadim react when they found the treasure?
A: Biff and Nadim were busy looking at the treasure and didn’t notice the shark coming.
12.Q: How did Chip and Wilma warn Biff and Nadim about the shark?
A: Chip and Wilma couldn’t speak underwater, so they pulled Biff and Nadim away and pointed at the shark.
13.Q: What happened when the magic key began to glow?
A: When the magic key began to glow, it took the children out of the adventure.
14.Q: Where did the children find the treasure again after the adventure?
A: The children found the treasure again in their fish tank after the adventure.
Oxford Reading Tree stage6のご紹介でした。Magic Keyのお話は、お話の内容が楽しめるだけで無く、色々な場面に行くことにより、たくさんの単語にも出会えます。物語を通じて単語を学ぶので、吸収もしやすくなります。何度も絵本を読んでみて、たくさんの問いかけをして、親子で英語を身につけてくださいね!