今回は、ORT sgage6 More stories Bの6冊をご紹介します!
Paris Adventure. パリの冒険 (Magic Keyのお話)
What were the children doing a project on?
The children were doing a project on France.
What did Mrs. May show them?
Mrs. May showed them pictures of Paris, including one of the Eiffel Tower.
Q: What did Chip suggest they do after seeing the picture of the Eiffel Tower?
A: Chip suggested that they paint the French flag.
Q: What happened suddenly while they were painting?
A: The magic key began to glow suddenly, signaling the start of an adventure.
Q: What did they find when they traveled back in time?
A: They found themselves in a busy town without any cars, suggesting they were in a time period long ago.
Q: What did the policeman and the lady say when asked about the Eiffel Tower?
A: Both the policeman and the lady said there was no such thing as the Eiffel Tower.
Q: What did the children realize about the Eiffel Tower?
A: The children realized that the Eiffel Tower hadn’t been invented yet.
Q: What did they help the man with?
A: They helped the man pull his cart into a hall.
Q: What was on the man’s cart?
A: The man’s cart carried a model of a torch.
Q: What idea did Anneena have when the torch broke?
A: Anneena suggested turning the broken torch into a tower.
Q: How did the man react to Anneena’s idea?
A: The man thought Anneena’s idea was brilliant.
The Stolen Crown. part 1 盗まれた王冠 パート1 (Magic Keyのお話)
家族で古いお城を見に行った後、Magic Keyによって、お城の時代に連れて行かれました。そこで、子どもたちは王様になるために必要な王冠を盗んだ泥棒だと勘違いされてしまいます。このお話は、パート2まで続きます。
What did the family go to see?
The family went to see an old castle.
What did Chip find while they were there?
Chip found a glass bead shining in the dirt.
Q: What did Chip do with the glass bead?
A: Chip looked at the bead through his magnifying glass and then put it in his pocket.
Q: What happened when Chip and Biff were in Biff’s room?
A: The magic key began to glow, signaling the start of an adventure.
Q: Where did the magic take Biff and Chip?
A: The magic took them back in time to a castle.
Q: What did Chip give to the prince?
A: Chip gave the prince the magnifying glass as a present.
Q: What did the prince say about the magnifying glass?
A: The prince loved the magnifying glass.
Q: What did the prince reveal about the next day?
A: The prince revealed that the next day he would become king.
Q: What did they hear suddenly while they were with the prince?
A: They heard shouting, and Lord Kent ran up to Henry, saying the crown had been stolen.
Q: Who did Lord Kent accuse of stealing the crown?
A: Lord Kent accused Biff and Chip of stealing the crown, claiming they used magic to do it.
The Stolen Crown. Part2 盗まれた王冠パート2 (Magic Keyのお話)
Who accused Biff and Chip of stealing the crown?
Lord Kent accused Biff and Chip of stealing the crown.
What did Henry think about the accusation?
Henry didn’t believe that Biff and Chip stole the crown.
Q: How did Chip figure out how the crown was stolen?
A: Chip noticed a broken arrow on the floor and realized that someone tied a string to the window, allowing the crown to be stolen.
Q: What did Biff and Chip do to catch the real thief?
A: Biff distracted the thieves while Chip grabbed the crown, and together they pushed the thieves into the moat.
Q: How did they return the crown to Henry?
A: Biff threw the crown to Henry, and Chip urged him to run and become king.
Q: What did Chip say about being a king?
A: Chip said he’s glad he’s not a king because you can’t trust anyone.
Q: What did Biff say about the magic key?
A: Biff said you can trust the magic key because it’s glowing.
Q: What did Chip wonder about Henry?
A: Chip wondered if Henry was king for a long time and if he found the missing jewel.
Ship in Trouble. 船の大ピンチ。(Magic Keyのお話)
アドベンチャーパークに遊びに行った子どもたち。ジップワイヤーで遊びますが、雨によって、自宅に戻る羽目になりました。残念がっていたところ、Magic Keyが光り出しました。
Where did Wilma’s mum take the children?
Wilma’s mum took the children to an adventure playground.
What did Chip do first at the playground?
Chip went on the zip wire first.
Q: Why didn’t Wilma want to go on the zip wire?
A: Wilma felt scared because it was too windy and started raining.
Q: What happened when the storm got worse?
A: Wilma’s mum decided it was too dangerous, so they all went back to the car.
Q: Where did Wilf and Wilma go after leaving the playground?
A: Wilf and Wilma went back to Biff and Chip’s house to play.
Q: What happened when the magic key started glowing?
A: The magic key took the children back in time to a cliff near the sea during a bad storm.
Q: Who did they meet at the cliff?
A: They met Jane and her father, who needed help rescuing people from a ship stuck on the rocks.
Q: What did Wilma say about the zip wire after helping rescue the people?
A: Wilma said the zip wire at the playground wouldn’t seem scary anymore.
Q: What happened when Jane thanked the children for helping? A: The magic key began to glow again.
Q: How did Wilma feel about not being on the ship during the storm?
A: Wilma felt relieved that she wasn’t on the ship during the storm.
Homework! 宿題!
What did Mrs. May ask the children to do for homework?
Mrs. May asked the children to keep an autumn diary.
How did Chip feel about the homework?
Chip didn’t like the idea of homework.
Q: Who did Chip call about the homework?
A: Chip called Gran about the homework.
Q: What did Gran suggest they could do with the homework?
A: Gran suggested that they could get the homework done and still have fun.
Q: What surprise did Gran have for the children?
A: Gran had set up a nature laboratory in her shed as a surprise for the children.
Q: Where did Gran take the children to start their nature project?
A: Gran took the children to the woods to start their nature project.
Q: What did Gran teach Nadim to do with paper and crayons?
A: Gran taught Nadim how to do bark rubbings with paper and crayons.
Q: What did Gran make for the birds?
A: Gran made bird food by mixing seeds and nuts with melted fat.
Q: What did Gran show the children in the woods as a secret?
A: Gran showed the children colored mushrooms in the woods as a secret.
Q: What did Chip find on the way home?
A: Chip found animal tracks in the mud on the way home.
Olympic Adventure. オリンピックの冒険 (Magic Keyのお話)
スポーツデイをするに当たり、男の子たちは女の子たちを馬鹿にします。その後で、Magic Keyは女の子たちを古代ギリシャに連れて行きます。そこでも女の子たちは男の子と一緒にスポーツをすることが出来ません。フェアでは無い!競技をやりたい!Anneenaにアイデアが浮かびます。どんなアイデアでしょうか?女の子たちも競技を楽しむことが出来るかな?
What project were the children working on?
The children were working on a project about the Olympic Games.
What did Mrs. May say they would do tomorrow?
Mrs. May said they would go to the museum tomorrow.
Q: What did Anneena and Wilma do after school?
A: After school, Anneena and Wilma went to play with Biff.
Q: Where did the magic key take the girls? A: The magic key took the girls back in time to a village in Greece.
Q: Who did the boys and men from the village go to see?
A: The boys and men from the village went to see the Olympic games.
Q: What did Anneena suggest they do when they couldn’t get into the games?
A: Anneena suggested they climb a tree to see the games.
Q: What did Anneena suggest they do when they couldn’t get into the games?
A: Anneena suggested they climb a tree to see the games.
Q: What did Hera tell the girls she was doing in the village?
A: Hera told the girls she was picking olives in the village.
Q: What idea did Anneena have when they met Hera’s friends?
A: Anneena suggested having a girls’ Olympic Games.
Q: What races did the girls have in their own Olympics?
A: The girls had a variety of races, including a three-legged race, a sack race, and an olive-and-spoon race.
Oxford reading tree stage6 More stories Bのご紹介でした。ステージが上がり、読み応えも出てきましたが、繊細な絵もあり、何度も読むうちに理解度も増していくと思います。ORTの利点の一つは、レベル別になっていて、同じステージのレベルを何冊も読めると言うところです。